Questions are displayed in your My Message Inbox (when assigned to you) and Manage Messages by default. However, when the question requires a workflow answer panel you might want to move it into it's own location. Many workflow interactions are not customer questions awaiting a simple answer. They might be quote requests, approval requests, or other requests that you want to manage separately from traditional customer questions.
The Manage Message page displays interactions that require a custom answer panel without a mass update option. This is because the standard answer panel used in Mass Update only supports the standard answer panel, as illustrated below. When you see a question without the checkbox it means that a customer answer panel will be provided in the Action mode.
Interactions that require a custom answer panel
You can create custom My Inboxes and Manage Message pages to display these special workflow interactions. You can optionally include a calendar for the list of interactions to view them based on a DateTime property. For example, in a field service management application you might want to see quote requests in a calendar based on the date and time scheduled for the estimation visit.
There are two types of Inbox/Calendars: One for moving interaction out of My Message Inbox, and one for moving them from the Manage Messages page.
The process for creating custom Inboxes and Manage Interactions pages for workflow interactions is done in two steps.
Step 1 - Create the Inbox/Calendar page.
Step 2 - Select the Inbox/Calendar page you created within each Answer Panel for which you want to move interactions.
See the Manage Calendars page for details on working with Google Events in the calendar.
Click the Add Inbox/Calendar Page button to create the Inbox definition.
The Inbox/Calendar Page
Enable Panel
You can temporarily disable the panel by disabling this switch. When disabled, your interactions will be listed in the My Message Inbox until it is enabled again.
Delete this Panel
This will permanently delete the panel.
Page URL
Specify a value to use in the page URL. You can load the new inbox using the menu link or typing the URL.
This is the text used for the menu link in the left navigation menu. It appears within the My Work Queues section.
Select an icon to show next to the menu link in the left navigation menu.
Limit Segment Access
You can limit the display of the Inbox to agents that have access to a specific segment. Type a name for the segment, and then associate it with the segment in the Segment Properties tab of your workflow.
Show as Calendar
If you want to display your interactions in a calendar, turn on this switch. When the switch is on, five new settings will become required.
Calendar Name
This is the label that will be displayed in the Answer Panel drop down for
Event Creation Form
If your Inbox includes a calendar, you need a method for adding new tickets within the calendar itself. Create an Agent Submit form in your workflow that will be used with the calendar and then select it here. This form will be loaded when the agent selects Add Workflow.
Result Name
When an agent creates a new ticket on the calendar using the Add Workflow button, the new ticket will have an interaction ID. This ID must be given a name, such as id. The name can be any text string. If you are unsure what to name the result, a common value is id.
Add Property
Select the properties that you want to display for the ticket when an agent clicks the item in the calendar. For example, you might include the customer address or phone number.
Property Icon
Each property added can optionally have an icon placed in front of it.