These types of configurations are made within the Websites settings page. The full user interface can be customized by selecting alternate forms in the Site Forms panel. For example, you can replace the default page for agents with a custom form that includes any content desired.
The websites page consists of four panels for each website: website domains and segments, website details, website URLs, and password reset settings. These settings are used to create custom configurations tied to a specific URL / domain. The configurations can be used to support different branding for segments, or to support different user interfaces for agents that are optimized for their business processes.
You can change the behavior of your iService website with the following configuration options.
Standard Email Response vs Secure Message Portal (v8 and prior)
Load only stock response names (v8 and prior)
Color code messages by age in Manage Messages page (v8 and prior)
Home Page Settings (v8 and prior)
Set Business Hours for Assigned-Messages Form (v8 and prior)