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iService includes a message portal (/f/message-portal) where customers can securely access their message history with you, submit new questions, and chat with your team. The portal is designed to match the most common layout for messaging systems, including an Inbox, Sent box, and Trash folder. This layout is also used the /f/customerportal-tabs customer engagement center.
The portal uses the existing login function, so customers login using the same email or login that they use for any other forms within iService. The portal can be used with minimal styling, or updated to match your brand identity. The portal requires some basic setup to ensure interactions are properly displayed, and is designed to be used with a custom answer panel that automates the setting of interaction properties used to control message display.
Required Setup - Interaction Properties
The message portal uses interaction properties to determine when and how to display content. You must create the following four interaction properties before using the portal. They can be created within any segment of your tenant and marked as shared, but should be associated with any topic displayed in your message center.
Customizing the Message Portal
There are five aspects of the portal that can be customized. Customizations are done within two separate forms: changes to the form HEAD section, and changes to the form BODY section. Create custom forms for these two placeholders and set them in the Websites page as shown below.
1 - Updates to the BODY section of the form (HTML, code snippets, etc.) are added to the form referenced here. 2 - Updates to the HEAD section of the form (CSS, etc.) are added to the form referenced here.
Using the Secure Messaging Answer Panel (no notifications)
The message portal is designed to work with a special answer panel that automatically creates the appropriate type of interaction and sets the values for the DoNotReply interaction property. To enable this answer panel, select it within the website as shown below. This panel is used when the organization does not use email. To generate email notifications to the customer when an answer is provided, use the version that includes notifications.
This answer panel creates different types of interactions when sending answers as described below.
![]() The Secure Message Portal Answer Panel
1 - The send button creates a Resolve Note instead of an Agent Response. 2 - The leave open option creates a Public Note instead of an Agent Email. This leaves the original question unresolved. 3 - The resolve button creates a Resolve Note, just like the default answer panel. But, it sets the DoNotReply interaction property to TRUE so the note is not shown to the customer.
This version of the answer panel doesn't have Public Note button, because the Send - Leave Open option already creates a Public Note. It also doesn't have a Spam button because secure message portals don't typically take in outside customer email.
The other action buttons are identical to the Default answer actions.
Error enabling secure message portal when properties are not configured
The secure message portal can be loaded without any configuration, but an error will be shown when users read messages. If you attempt to select the Secure Message Portal answer panel without the required properties, the following error will be displayed.
![]() Error when required properties are not setup
Using the Secure Message Portal with Customer Notifications
The notifications version of the secure message portal sends your customer a secure notification each time you provide an answer. The agent interface functions similarly to the regular secure notification panel, but different interaction types are used for the Send and Send Leave Open actions. To use the notifications version of secure messaging, you must first create a Secure Notification that will be sent to the customer informing them their answer is available.
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