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iService User Guide

workflow-datafile-object-mappingThe iService Workflow system has its own interaction properties that are created within the workflow. These function similar to segment interaction case properties, but with a few differences. All workflow properties are managed as Case properties, where the same value is associated with every interaction within the Case. The workflow properties support most of the same configurations as segment properties, such as allowing multiple values. The primary difference is that workflow properties are not shared with any other workflow or page within the iService system. They are dedicated to use within the specific workflow. This removes the need to map them to IDs within your tenant, because they are the same in every tenant where the workflow is imported.


All workflow properties behave as if they were a "Case" property. This means there is only one value recorded for the property inside of the entire case (conversation). The value shown will be the save regardless of whether you are viewing a question or answer in the conversation. On the other hand, Segment Interaction properties can be case, question, or answer properties. If you need to save a different value for every interaction within a conversation, you will need to use a question or answer property created within a Segment.


Interaction Property Methods

There are two methods for using interaction properties within a workflow. You can use existing interaction properties created within your tenant's Segments (Segment Defined Property), or you can create a custom property that only exists within the workflow interface. Workflow interaction properties are not listed in the Topic settings for your segments and cannot be added directly to non-workflow interactions. Otherwise, they function similarly.


To create a workflow property, select Define Custom Property.

Creating a custom property

Creating a custom property


In the property definition panel, select the type of value for the input. Turn on the "Index this property field" switch if you want to include this field in the Search Interactions page. When you enable indexing, the values in the database are indexed and made available for searching. If you want to allow more than one value for the property, like a list of product preferences, turn on the Allow Multiple Values switch. This will add the option for the user to enter an unlimited number of values for the property.



The value types available are shown below.

Workflow property value types

Workflow property value types


The setup for these value types is different than the Segment Defined Properties. All of the values are configured directly within the workflow panel. For example, a multiple choice property functions like a segment property that uses a list of values. In a segment property, the list is defined in the Tenant Settings - Lists page. In a workflow property you create the list directly within the workflow.


Some value types are only valid for a grid property and require additional setup before they can be defined. Grid properties have multiple columns in their display and can perform special functions. These value types are listed below:


Choice from data file - This is the look up field in a grid property where you choose the primary value that will return other values. An example would be select a product name to return the price.

Data file row value - This value is returned from a data file and not entered by the user. An example would be to return the price in this field when the user selects a product. This field does not allow direct input.

Row total (P * Q - D) - This is a preset formula for making a price calculation. The value is computed as Price x Quantity minus a discount amount.

Grid column total - If your grid has numbers, you can insert a total using this property. An example would be calculating a total price for an estimate based on the row totals in the grid.


tog_plus        Renaming Workflow Properties


tog_plus        Creating a Grid Property


tog_plus        Required Workflow Properties



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