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iService User Guide

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Using variables in auto responses

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You can embed variables within your auto responses to perform a variety of functions. The substitutions of these variables is handed by the iService Forms component. For details on variables that are available, see the iService Forms Developer Guide.


The following variables may be used within your auto response message. Variables within Message Acknowledgements are obtained from the message to which the auto response is sent. Variables must be enclosed within brackets (e.g., <Name>) or the dollar symbol ($Name$). When constructing HTML responses, the $ symbol is more convenient because variables within brackets will not display within most HTML editors.

Variable Name


Contact Creation

Message Acknowledge

Agent Notify

Password Reset

Secure Notify


$value -customer

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You can display the contact property values (name, address, etc.) associated with the person that is getting the auto response using the $value -customer parameter






$value -question

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Display details about the original question, such as the subject or body of the message, using $value -question.







$value -today

$value -now


Display the date with -today, or the date and time with -now







$value -forwardexternal

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The $value -forwardexternal parameter is used to populate a Forward to External Agent auto response with details about the forwarding agent, their comments, the link for accessing the message, etc..


$value -notifyresponse(id)

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This is used within an Agent Notification to allow agents to reply directly to the notification, rather than logging into iService. This is used to identify the notification interaction and enables the mail processor to connect the agent reply to the original interaction, since the notification interaction ID is not part of the subject line.  This can be used within a Forward to External Agent or Agent Notification on receipt of new messages.

NOTE – do not set the No-Reply option for auto responses that are used for accepting email responses from agents. Otherwise, the message will not be delivered to iService.


$value -notifyresponse(body)

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This is where the quoted question appears and where the agent enters their answer.  It includes special start and end markers which must not be corrupted by the agent in his reply. This can be used within a Forward to External Agent or Agent Notification on receipt of new messages.

This variable must be used with the NotifyResponse(ID) variable to match the response to the original question.

NOTE – do not set the No-Reply option for auto responses that are used for accepting email responses from agents. Otherwise, the message will not be delivered to iService.


$value -notifyresponse(bodyatstart)

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This is used within an Agent Notification to allow agents to reply directly to the notification, rather than logging into iService. This is similar to the -NotifyResponse(Body) variable above, except it does not include Begin and End markers. It is designed to iService will accept all text entered before this variable and include it in the outgoing response. Therefore, it should normally be the first item in the auto response.  This can be used within a Forward to External Agent or Agent Notification on receipt of new messages.

This variable must be used with the NotifyResponse(ID) variable to match the response to the original question.

NOTE – do not set the No-Reply option for auto responses that are used for accepting email responses from agents. Otherwise, the message will not be delivered to iService.

$value -customer(Password)­

Displays the user’s password necessary to log into the iService interface.


$value -passwordreset(url)

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The URL at which the recipient must change their password. It has the full URL to the reset confirmation page and is generated by the web front end web site (not the web service back end) and actually has <Reset GUID> embedded into it.  Note – there is a space between the word Reset and URL.


$value -passwordreset(ipaddress)

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The IP address of the user to whom the password reset was sent. Reset IP is optional but can be useful for the user to investigate if someone else is trying to hijack their account. Note – there is a space between the word Reset and IP.


$value -alert(name)

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This will return the name of the Alert.


$value -alert(count)

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This will return the total number of items included in the alert.


$value -alertitem(id|agent|name|email|subject|time|date)

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This is similar to a /Body tag within HTML. All AlertItem tags must be embedded within these tags. You must replace (*) with the actual tags listed below.



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