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Sales Pipeline Reports

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Sales Pipeline reports provide insight into your sales activity, if tracked within iService. These reports require the use of specific contact properties for tracking purposes. These contact properties must match the names exactly as shown below:


Property Name (Must be exact)

Property Type

Opportunity Amount


Opportunity Description

Text - Allow multi-line

Opportunity Name


Opportunity Stage

Usually a list is selected from Additional Details. The sales stages should match your sales methodology and begin with a number, such as: 1.Initial contact, 2.Application of Initial Fit Criteria, 3.Sales lead, 4.Need identification, 5.Qualified prospect, 6.Proposal, 7.Negotiation, 8.Closing, 9.After sales service.

These are used to generate the Sales Pipeline by Stage report.


Usually a list of your products or product categories from Additional Details. This list is used to generate the Sales Pipeline by Product report and therefore should be a relatively short list.

Sales Person

Usually a list of sales people from Additional Details.

Target Close Date



The reports available include:

Sales Pipeline by Product - this report displays a summary of sales opportunities grouped by product.

Sales Pipeline by Sales Person - this report displays a summary of sales opportunities grouped by sales person.

Sales Pipeline by Stage - this report displays a summary of sales opportunities grouped by stage within the sales pipeline.

Sales Pipeline by Target Close - this report displays a summary of sales opportunities grouped by target close date.

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