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HTML and iService Variables in Auto Responses

It's common to use HTML when composing auto responses, and the Rich Text Editor makes it easy to compose nice looking messages. But, sometimes you need to insert iService variables within the HTML in non-standard locations. For instance, consider the situation where you want to make an alert auto response with a table for the details of unanswered messages.


The -alertitem parameter must be used within a $repeat command to generate the repeating list of values. A simple example of this command is as follows.


$repeat -alertitems$

     Date of Message: $value -alertitem(date)$

     Subject of Message: $value -alertitem(subject)$

     From: $value -alertitem(name)$





NOTE: When using this command within an HTML table, the $repeat command must be marked as a comment. Since it is embedded within an HTML table out side of the TD, your browser will remove the tag if it is not commented because placing it between a table parameter and row parameter is an invalid location for HTML code.


<table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" align="left" width="100%">



     <th>Date of Original Msg</th>

     <th>Interaction ID</th>

     <th>Contact Name</th>

     <th>Contact Email</th>


     <th>Assigned Agent:</th>





   <!-- $repeat -alertitems$ -->


     <td>$value -alertitem(date)$ $value -alertitem(time)$</td>

<!--Edit the line below for your iService URL-->            

     <td><a href="https://1to1service.iservicecrm.com/MessageQueue.aspx?mode=search&amp;num=1&amp;where0=entire&amp;field0=ID&amp;s0=$value -alertitem(id)$">$value -alertitem(id)$</a></td>

     <td>$value -alertitem(name)$<br></td>

     <td>$value -alertitem(email)$</td>

     <td>$value -alertitem(subject)$</td>

     <td>$value -alertitem(agent)$</td>


  <!-- $endrepeat$  -->



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