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Auto Response Admin Tab

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Auto response (notification) messages are templates used to send notices to contacts and agents. There are seven types of notification messages: Contact Creation, Message Acknowledgment, Agent Notification, Password Reset, Secure Notification, Alerts, and Find Answers Article Notify.  The fields common to all auto responses are as follows.

1 – Response Name – This is the reference name displayed throughout iService. It is only viewed by iService Agents.

2 – Description – The description is used to describe the purpose of the response, and is only displayed in the Auto Response page.

3 – Subject – The subject used used as the subject for email sent to the recipient of the auto response. For some message, such as message acknowledgment, a reference number will be appended to the subject automatically.

Response body – This is the body of the auto response message sent to the recipient. It may contain variables that will be automatically populated when iService composes the message. The variables available are dependent on the auto response type, and are listed below in the Using Variables in Auto Responses section. Auto responses are sent in multi-part format, and the plain text version is automatically derived from the rich text version entered in the rich text editor.

5 – Use No-Reply from address – When checked, the auto response will be sent using a reply address of no-reply@domain.com.  The domain used will be the domain for the mailbox that would normally be used.

6 – Auto Response Type – There are seven types of Auto Response messages. The purpose and use of each is described below.

Contact Creation – This notification is sent as a response the first time an email is received from a new iService user. This informs the sender that an account was created automatically for them and provides their password. This password is required for the sender to update their original question or ask new questions via the Ask a Question interface. The auto response is also useful to promote usage of the iService knowledge base. Although multiple auto responses of this type may be created, only one will be used by the Segment. The default Contact Creation auto response is set in the Admin Tools > Segment > Details page. If you don’t want your customers to view the iService interface, set the default contact creation auto response to –none- within the Admin Tools > Segments > Details page.

Message Acknowledgment – Message Acknowledgments are automatically sent to the contact each time an inquiry is received by a topic that has the auto response assigned. The acknowledgment informs the contact that their message has been received, and can contain information specific to the topic that might answer the contacts question. These acknowledgments are associated with topics in the Admin Tools > Segments > Topics page.

Agent Notifications - Agent notifications are sent to agents only when a) the agent has notifications enable, and b) the agent has all of the skills and segments required to answer the question that was received. Although multiple auto responses of this type may be created, only one will be used by the Segment. The default Agent Notification auto response is set in the Admin Tools > Segment > Details page.

There are two types of agent notifications: system generated agent notifications, and agent generated notifications. System generated responses can be sent to agents to inform them of new messages arriving within iService. These notifications are set within the Admin Tools>Segment>Topics page on a topic by topic basis. A special Forward to External notification can also be sent by agents from within the Message Queue page. These types of agent notifications MUST contain the $Forward URL$ variable to appear in the Message Queue forward list.

Password Reset – When a contact forgets their password they can request a reminder from the iService web site. The reminder will be sent using the Password Reset auto response. Although multiple auto responses of this type may be created, only one will be used by the Segment. The default Password Reset auto response is set in the Admin Tools > Websites tab.

Secure Notification – When agents respond to contact questions with sensitive information, that information should not be sent using clear text email. Instead, a secure notification should be sent informing the contact that an answer is available within the iService system. The contact should return to the iService website and login to read the message from an encrypted page. These auto response templates can be accessed from the Message Queue page’s SEND button when agents compose their response.

Alert – iService provides an Alerts system to monitor system status and can generate notices to agents. The Alert auto responses are selected from the Admin Tools > Alerts page when creating alerts that send auto responses.

Find Answers – Users can subscribe to articles within the Find Answers knowledgebase so they can be notified when the article is updated. This template is sent to those users to notify them of these changes. The template is selected from the Segment-Details tab and is used for all article updates within that segment.

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