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iService Forms User Guide

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Feedback Form

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iService forms allow you to quickly generate web forms to capture customer input, including the ability to save input from the form into separate interaction properties within the iService database.

This enhancement takes advantage of that capability by presenting a standard feedback form to your customers and capturing their responses within predefined interaction properties. These properties are then used to generate management reports that provide insight about your overall support process, and the performance of individual agents.


The iService Feedback process is integrated into the email response process. A link is included in the agent's reply directing the customer to an iService form that captures the feedback. This link includes the Ref # of the question that was answered, which allows iService to associate the feedback with the agent. The iService form captures the details of the feedback and stores it in the iService database where it can be analyzed with predefined reports.

Configuring iService Feedback In Your Tenant

The overall setup of feedback within your iService tenant can be accomplished in less than an hour. The steps include creating new interaction properties to capture the feedback, creating the feedback form with your branding, and developing a stock response that can be used to ask for customer feedback. Each of these is explained in more detail below.


To see the feedback process in action, view the iService Feedback Flash demonstration.