When used without forms, the command line utility is designed to read a comma separated value file that contains contact information and interaction details. The contact properties imported are based on the name of each property, while interaction properties are based on the propertyID from the iService database.
The first line of your input file MUST specify the details of each column in the file (i.e., column header). And, the first column that includes a contact property MUST specify the identifier for the contact record. The contact identifier is usually the Login (Email Address) of the contact, but if you use another contact property as a unique identifier (e.g., account number) that could also be used. However, beware that Login and Contact ID are the only database enforced unique field for a contact.
Column Headings for Login/Email
The format for the Login/Email address must be one of the following:
contact-login or contact-Login (email).
The format for column headings is as follows:
Column Headings For Contact Properties
contact-(description)DISPLAY NAME
Contact indicates the property is a contact property. Description is only used for multi-value properties that have a description (e.g., phone number might include home or mobile). The Display Name is exactly as shown within the iService Customer Info>Contacts>Details tab. Some examples of contact property headings are shown below.
Column Headings For Interaction Properties
Interaction indicates the property is an interaction property. Description is only used for multi-value properties that have a description. The ID is the actual property ID from the database, and can be found in the Admin Tools>Segment>Interaction Properties tab. Some examples of interaction property headings are shown below.
interaction-(department)2 - this indicates an interaction property whose ID is 2. However, this property allows more than one value and each value has a label. An example of this might be tracking billable minutes by department. The property captures the number of billable minutes, but a label is used to indicate the corresponding department.
interaction-4 - this indicates an interaction property whose ID is 4.