The first step in viewing a contact is to locate it within the iService. The default search criteria is --Login--, which is normally the contact's e-mail address. There are three drop-down boxes which can be configured for searching for records: . They are Search Where, In Field, and Search For.
To search on multiple fields, use the "Add Field" button. Leaving the "Search For" box blank will result in a "wildcard" search that returns any record with a value.
Customer search parameters
Search results are displayed in a panel below the search query. Clicking on the Contact Name will open the contact’s details within the Contact Summary tab. Column headings (Name, Email, etc.) can be clicked to sort the results. Results can be filtered by typing into the Filter Results box.
You can take actions from the search results page by clicking the Expand icon next to each row. expanding the role reveals three action buttons: Agent email, Note, and Ticket. You can take these actions from within the search results without loading the contact page.
Taking actions from the contact search results panel
Search results are limited to the Segment Access Rights granted to the agent. For example, an agent that is only granted access to Segment A will only see contacts in search results that are a member of Segment A.
This drop-down box allows the user to target how a match is made while searching. The default is ‘anywhere’ within a field.
The Search Where parameter
The following options are available:
Anywhere – This parameter will look for a match on the search term anyplace within the field. For instance, the search term ‘ab’ will return a match for ‘absolute’ and ‘fabulous.’
Start – the start parameter will only look for matches at the beginning of the value. For instance, the search term ‘ab’ will return a match for ‘absolute’ but will not return ‘fabulous.’
End – The end parameter will only look for matches at the end of the value. For instance, the search term ‘ute’ will return a match for ‘absolute’ and ‘salute.’
Entire – The entire parameter requires an exact match on the full term. For instance, the search term ‘absolut’ will not return a match for ‘absolute.’
This drop-down box shows all of the fields within the contact details tab. To limit the search to a specific field, select it from the In Field drop down menu. The default is ‘--Login--.’
The In Field parameter of the contact search form
Many fields may be listed, but fields which all databases will have are shown below.
All - The All field will search all contact properties and logins.
ID - The ID field will search for a specific contact ID. It expects an integer value in the Search For field.
Login - The Login field will search within the contacts’ logins field.
Login (Bounced) - The Login (Bounced) field will search for email addresses marked as bounced.
Segment Membership - The Segment Membership field will limit a search to contacts within the matching segment name.
Global Segment Values - Every iService tenant includes standard contact properties, such as First Name, Last Name, Company, etc.
In addition to these fields, every contact property in the tenant is available for searching.
Enter the search value that you are trying to match against. This field supports a wild card option by leaving the value blank, which causes it to return all records that have any value recorded for the field that was searched.
The Search for parameter
Some fields are based on lists of values, such as the --In Topic-- field. When you select these fields, the Search Where parameter is removed and the Search For inputs are replaced with a drop-down menu.
Click on Add Field to add additional search criteria to search on multiple fields. The search criteria are connected with "And" or "Or" to determine whether to expand the results (Or) or limit them (And). Once all the search criteria have been entered, click Search to execute the query. Click on Remove Field to remove a field.
You can use up to 10 search terms in your search query.
Using the and operator to limit search results
To limit your search results, be sure you use AND instead of OR when connecting search parameters.
The Preview Dialer makes it easy for agents to reach out to contacts who need a follow up call. With the Preview Dialer, you can search on any contact property to generate a list of contacts for follow up. The form loads one contact at a time and provides a quick view of their contact information, recent interactions, a script for the call, and a section for quickly adding call notes.
Before you launch your calling campaign, you must choose a topic for call notes and the call script that you’re going to follow. The call script is created as a stock response in your segment with the description “preview” to make it available in the stock response picker on the preview dialer form.
1 - Name: This should indicate the purpose of the call. For example, Post-sales follow up indicates that it is meant for customers who have made purchases recently.
2 - Response Body: This is the script displayed to the agent for each contact.
3 - Description: A brief explanation of the script. The work “Preview” must be added to the text to distinguish it from other stock responses and make it available in the Preview Dialer. If the word "preview" is not included here, the script will not appear in the preview dialer menu.
The Preview Dialer is launched from the existing Search Contacts page. You can search on any combination of contact properties to gather your list of contact IDs to call. The most common approach is to create custom fields for labeling contacts that should be included in the calling campaign. As agents make calls, they can update those properties directly from the Preview Dialer page, if needed. The Preview Dialer button will appear with all search results.
Clicking the “Load Preview Dialer” button expands the “Configure Your Session” menu. Start by picking a topic for call notes, and then selecting a script for the call. The stock response picker only appears after a topic is selected. Once the configuration is complete, you can start the preview dialer session.
On the Preview Dialer page, you can view the details and interaction history of each contact before making the call. The stock response selected during configuration is used as the call script and you can add call notes using the Notes panel. When done, click the “Next” button to load the next contact on the list.