If you need to send an email and know the recipient's address, you can use the quick agent email page without searching for the contact. Type the email address of the recipient and use the mailing list picker to populate a CC line if needed. If the email address doesn't exist in iService, a new contact will be created. If the email address already exists for a contact in iService, your email will be added to the contact's history. The group lists are administered from a separate menu in the Custom Forms Admin section of iService (Manage Agent Email).
The Quick Agent Email page won't work until it's been configured by your iService administrator.
1.Select a topic for your email. The topic menu displays the full topic tree for all segments that the agent can access.
2.Enter the recipient's email address. The email addresses you used previously on your computer will be presented when you click in the TO field. You an remove addresses by clicking the red x.
The list of TO addresses in quick agent email
3.If you need to send the message to more than one person, put the additional recipients in the cc line. You can use the cc line address book to paste a preconfigured list of addresses into the cc line. Select a list in the dropdown, or search for one using the filter box.
Filtering the Add Group to CC Line list
4.Enter the subject line for the message.
5.You can drag-and-drop file attachments here, or click the button to navigate and select them from your computer.
6.The standard variable and stock response panel is available for your agent email.
7.Use the rich text editor to compose the body of your message.
8.The default value for the Expected Customer Reply setting is configured by your iService administrator. Turn the switch on to have a copy of your answer placed in your My Pending Messages list.
9.Turn on Suppress Reference Number to remove the reference number from the subject line of the email.
10.Turn on Send Secure to convert your email to a Secure Agent Email. This will send a template notification to the recipients letting them now they must login to view the answer.
One of the features of the quick agent email form is a mapping of the topic to a specific mailbox. Since there are more topics that mailboxes in a tenant, your administrator must specify the mailbox to send from when you choose a topic. When the topic is mapped to a mailbox, you do not need to choose the from address and the proper email address will be used.
Topics that have not been associated with a mailbox are grayed out, but can still be used. If you send from topic that is not mapped, the default mailbox for the segment will be used. The email address will be shown in a tool tip like below.
The quick agent email form must be configured from the custom forms admin page. That page includes links to all of the built-in forms that you can configure for the section. Access to the admin page is limited to CSR managers or other user types that have the XYZ access right.
To learn more about configuring the quick agent email form, see the Manage Agent Email Form chapter.