The Deleted Interactions report shows a list of all interactions that were manually deleted from a tenant for a specified time period. It displays all of the details from the DeletionAudit table. This audit table is only populated for interactions that are deleted using the Delete Interaction button in the user interface. Interactions deleted using the database stored procedures directly are NOT recorded in this table and have no automatic audit trail.
Setup Required
There is no setup required. The report simply displays the details from the DeletionAudit table as shown in the example below.
Parameter Selection
Select the segment and report period.
Report Example
The report output includes the following fields from the DeletionAudit table.
ID - table ID
Segment - The name of the segment for the item deleted (if available)
timeStamp - DateTime2 field with the time the user did the delete
modifierContactID- contact ID that performed the delete
objectID - the ID of the object deleted
objectType - type of item deleted, like customer email or agent response
objectDescription - for interactions, this will be the subject line
description - the form action that was run (same as status audit)