Interaction properties can be marked a "Required" to ensure that information is consistently captured. Marking a property as required has a different impact depending on the type of property: Question or Answer.
Question Property Rules
When a required property is set on a question, the following rules are enforced.
1. Customer emails are exempt from the required rule since it is can't be enforced consistently without filters.
2. Ask a Question and Ticket form submissions return a standard error (see below example) when the property is not included. For manually prepared forms, be sure to include all required forms for the user to populate.
3. Properties that are not customer editable are exempt from the required check when a customer submits an Ask a Question form.
4. Questions created without a required question property (e.g., customer emails or forms submitted where the property was not customer viewable) can't be updated by an agent until a value is set. The agent will be required to set the property before they can Save as Draft or Forward the interaction to another agent.
Answer Property Rules
When a required property is set on an answer, it must have a value entered before the interaction is resolved.
Displaying required interaction properties
Required interaction properties are displayed in a bold, red color to alert the agent that a value must be entered.