Mailboxes retrieve messages from generic email accounts (e.g., and convert those messages into questions within the Message Queue. To create a new mailbox within iService, select New Mailbox and complete each of the fields as described below. Incoming and Outgoing mail servers associated with an iService mailbox can be separate and are configured with separate parameters.
Incoming Mail Configuration
1 – Mail Server Name – Mail Server name is the name of the mail server on which the mailbox is hosted. For example,
2 – Protocol for Incoming Email – By default, iService will use POP3 without SSL to retrieve email from the specified mailbox. To use IMAP or SSL, check the appropriate box.
3 – Port Number – Designate the port through which mail will be popped. For non SSL POP mailboxes, this is usually port 110.
4 - User Name - User Name is the login name for the mailbox. In the example above, the User Name might be info. If the User Name is entered incorrectly, iService will not be able to login to the mailbox. An error will be recorded in the Mail Processor log if this value is incorrect. Please note that the user name is typically not the same as the reply address.
5 - Password - Password is the POP3 password necessary to login and retrieve email from the mailbox. If the Password is entered incorrectly, an error will be generated and iService will not be able to login to the mailbox. An error will be recorded in the Mail Processor log if this value is incorrect.
6 - Filters - Filters read incoming messages and set their topics based upon keyword or phrase matches. Filters are created in the Segment Configuration - Filters tab and selected from this drop down menu.
7 - Topic - Default Topic is the topic to which email from this account will be assigned, unless a filter assigned to this mailbox identifies a different topic.
8 - Enable Mail Retrieving - The Enable Mail Retrieving check box is used to enable or disable checking of the mailbox, without deleting the account setup. When selected, iService will retrieve email from the mailbox every 60 seconds. When not selected, email will not be retrieved from this mailbox. This only affects incoming email as Outgoing SMTP will function for the specified mailbox as long as the mail popper service is running.
9 - Default Segment Mailbox – Each standard segment must have a default mailbox that is used for processes such as password reminders, agent emails, etc. Check this box to designate the mailbox as the default.
SMTP Configuration
10 - Display Name – The display name is typically what will display in the From line. For example, a name such as Customer Service might be used.
11 - Reply To – This address is the full email address you want to use as the reply to address when sending replies or agent emails from this mailbox. For example,
12 – SMTP Server Name – A separate server may be used for sending mail than receiving. List the name or address for the SMTP server used to send mail for this mailbox.
13 – SMTP Authentication – To use SMTP Authentication for your SMTP server, check the "Athenticate to SMTP Server" box and specify the information for your server.
14 - Errors - If iService encounters errors retrieving or sending email from the mailbox, details of those errors will be listed in the Mailbox Configuration and Runtime Errors table. These error messages are generally what is reported by the mail server. For performance purposes, only 1000 error messages are displayed.
15 - Clear Errors - To clear the errors from the errors listing, click the "clear errors" button.