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iService Common Terms and Definitions

Throughout this document, there are several common terms used to refer to various parts of the system. Definitions for these terms are shown below.


Additional Details – Additional details are lists of values (e.g., browser type, credit card type, etc.) that can be added to customer and interaction properties. These lists enforce data integrity by ensuring consistent entries as opposed to freely entered text valued. They are created at the Tenant level and referenced within Contact Properties and Interaction Properties at the Segment level.

Agent – An iService User that has access to customer support representative or administrative functions of the system, such as the Customer Info, Message Queue, or Admin Tools pages. Agents are configured in the Admin Tools > Agents tab.

Contacts – A contact is synonymous to a person. They are external users of the iService product and are sometimes referred to as customers.

Contact Properties – Contact information, such as contract status or software version, that is configurable and unique to each iService segment. These are user definable fields that may be shared with other Segments or made private (i.e., specific to the Segment).  These properties are configured in the Admin Tools > Segment > Contact Properties tab.

Customer Types – Each contact within iService may have one or more customer types that can be used for searching, reporting, and organizing contact lists. The standard customer types are customer, vendor, agent and SPAM. Additional types can be added as needed.

Default Mailbox – Each Segment has a default mailbox unless it is an Information Only segment. The default mailbox is used when information must be sent by iService and no specific mailbox is specified. For example, email responses sent to questions submitted via the Ask a Question page uses the default mailbox.

Departments – Departments are used to group agents and simplify the assignment of skills and segments.

Information Only Segment – An Information Only segment can be used to capture details about a contact, and limit access to those details to certain authorized Agents. These segments are defined within iService as not Standard.

Installation – A single instance of the iService software. The installation of iService may contain one or many tenant databases.

Interaction Properties – These are additional values that are associated with interactions. When a customer asks a question, they select a topic that is most relevant for the subject of their question. For some topics, like technical support, it is useful to capture additional information such as the browser the contact was using when they experienced an error. These properties can also be designated as answer properties and populated by the agent providing the response. These details are only relevant to the topics to which they are assigned and are configurable at the Segment level.

Mailbox – iService has the ability to retrieve incoming email from email addresses and convert them into messages that can be routed internally for answering. These email addresses, which are usually generic (info@, for example), are referred to as mailboxes.

Segments – A grouping of information within iService that supports separate levels of security and presentation. Segments are often used to separate Contacts and Document Collections of different business units. See the Business Rules section below for more details.

Segment Administrators – Segment Administrators are Users that have the privilege level of Administrator. They are responsible for configuring the iService system for their business segment.

Standard Contact Details – Contact information, such as name and phone number, which is standard with each iService installation. This information is always shared among iService Segments and is displayed in the contact details tab for all contacts.

Super User – Each Segment contains a Super User (Landlord) that has the ability to create Tenant Administrators. This is the only account with the rights to create Administrators.

Tenant – iService is a multi-tenant application that allows a single instance of the application to be used by multiple end users (separate companies). A tenant is the highest level of organization within iService. It contains all of the Segments for a business. All information within a Tenant is clearly isolated from other tenants and stored in its own database. Tenants are completely unaware than they are using the same version of software as other on-demand or hosted Tenants. In-house implementations operate with a single tenant.

User – A person that uses the iService CRM system (including contacts and agents).

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