Since mailboxes and topics can only have one filter assigned, groups can be used to combine multiple filters. To create a filter group, click New Filter Group and enter a name for the filter group. Then select the filters to be included within the group from the Available Filters box and click Add.
The order of the filters will determine the order for matching. For example, if a term within the first filter in the list is identified and the Always Run All Filters box is not checked, the filter action will run and the group will bypass the remaining filters. Generally, the following filter groups are used.
_Master - This can be assigned to mailboxes and include all desired filters and filter groups.
_TopicChanges - It is suggested to put all filters that change a messages topic into a single filter group, and set the group to NOT Always Run All Filters.
_SetProperties - Since you might want to set multiple properties it's suggested that filters which set properties be combined into a group with the Always Run All Filters box checked.