To create a new skill in the iService application, click the New Skill button and enter the following information.
Name – The skill name is used throughout iService as a reference to the skill. It is displayed within the Topics, Departments, and Agents administration pages. Choose a name for the skill that is representative of the attributes agents need to answer questions. For example, "Technical Support 1" might be a good name for a skill used to describe entry-level technical support.
Skill Interaction Property - You may apply an interaction property to a skill. This creates a skill that is applied to ALL incoming interactions that contain the matching property value. Skills that are based on a specific interaction property are not assigned to topics, because they apply to all messages regardless of their topic.
An example of an Interaction Property skill is segregating Spanish questions. A filter can be used to identify common Spanish words to determine that an incoming question is written in Spanish. That filter can set a value for an interaction property named "Language" with a value of "Spanish." You might name this skill "Spanish Support", and only assign it to agents that can correspond in Spanish. Any message that arrives into any topic with this designation would then only be routed to agents that speak Spanish.