The contact summary is the default view for contacts within the Customer Info > Contacts page. The information displayed on the summary page can be customized by selecting the fields to display, and the styles used for displaying that information.
1 – The “Item Name” corresponds to the contact property name used in the Admin Tools > Segments > Contact Properties page. All contact properties created from all segments are available for inclusion on the contact summary page.
The item labeled “Open Count” is a system generated display of all questions submitted by the contact that have not been answered. In future releases, other system generated values will be available for inclusion within the summary page.
2 – The “Show” column presents a checkbox for each property. Clicking on the check box indicates the property is to be included on the summary page.
3 – The “Group Div” column describes the section of the summary page where the information will appear. The divisions of the page are arranged vertically in alphabetical order. Therefore, the group a-main will appear above the group b-extra.
4– The “Displayed Label” column contains the label that will display on the contact summary page. This label can be different from the item name, if desired.
5 – The “Order in Group” column describes the order of each item inside of its Group Div. The order of each item is relative to other items, and therefore the actual values do not have to be sequential. The lowest numbered item (including negative numbers) will appear first followed by the next highest number.
An example of how a Contact Summary page would appear for a site using the configuration above is shown below.
Figure 20 - Example of Contact Summary After Configuration
This summary page can be easily customized to display any information desired. An example of additional changes using a custom cascading style sheet is shown below.