The -attachment parameter is used to display attachments with find answers articles. Articles may have files attached (Excel sheets, PDF documents, etc.), and these attachments can be displayed using the -attachments parameter.
The syntax for the command is:
$Value -attachment(part)$ where part is the aspect of the file attachment that you want to display within the find answers article.
Example: Display the name of a file attached to a find answers article
$value -attachment(name)$
The options include:
The $value -attachments command requires the use of the $IF -attachments and the $Repeat -attachments to generate the desired list of files attached to an article. A simple example of this is shown below.
$if -attachments -Pid'articleID'$
$repeat -attachments -Pid'articleID'$
<div data-role="content"><!-- Attachment List Repeat -->
//The anchor tag below generates the clickable link for loading the file with file.aspx, and the -attachment parameter displays the file name//
<a href="File.aspx?interactionID=$value -article(id) -Pid'articleID'$&fileID=$value -attachment(id)$" target="_blank">$value -attachment(name)$</a><br />
</div><!-- /Attachment List Repeat -->
There are no file attachments for this article.<br />