The $Repeat command creates a repeating list of values for the type of parameter specified. The $Repeat command is always used with the $Value command to specify what is repeated. It is also often used with the $IF command to display alternate text if there are no $Values to repeat. The syntax for this command is as follows.
$Repeat -parameter$
$value -parameter(name)$
The types of values repeated will be dependent on the type of form. For example, a find answers page will display a repeating list of topics or articles. A My Account - Subscriptions page will display a repeating list of mailing lists, campaigns, or articles that are available for subscription. An alert auto response will display a repeating list of interaction included within the alert.
Supported parameters for $Repeat
•$repeat -agents(admin)$ -- Lists all agents in the tenant. Use $value -agent$ inside.$
•$repeat -alertitems$ -- Lists items in an alert autoresponse. Use $value -interaction$ inside.
•$repeat -autoresponses(admin)$ -- Lists all auto responses in the tenant. Use $value -autoresponse$ inside.
•$repeat -contactproperties(admin)$ -- Lists all contact properties in the tenant. Use $value -conactproperty$ inside.
•$repeat -diag(builtinforms)$ -- Lists the built in forms. Use $value -form$ inside. Example: f/diag-builtinforms-body?formID=diag-builtinforms
•$repeat -diag(regex)$ -- Lists the regexes for the valid form variables. Use $value -diagregex$ inside. Example: f/diag-builtinforms-body?formID=diag-regex
•$repeat -forms(admin)$ -- Lists all forms in the tenant. Use $value -form$ inside.
•$repeat -prefix'...'$ -- -prefix is used with the other options. It's used to help compute the ids of the html generated for $inputs inside the block.
•$repeat -history(children)$ -- Lists interactions inside a thread. Use inside context that has an interaction, or use -Pid to specify an interaction ID.
•$repeat -history(threads)$ -- Lists interaction thread roots. Use inside context that has a customer, or use -Pid to specify a contact ID.
•$repeat -inbox(...)$ -- Lists interactions in the calling agent's inbox.
•$repeat -intproperties(admin)$ -- Lists all interaction properties in the tenant. Use $value -intproperty$ inside.
•$repeat -mailboxes(admin)$ -- Lists all mailboxes in the tenant. Use $value -mailbox$ inside.
•$repeat -messagesearch$ -- Interaction search variable. Used same as find answer $repeat -articlelist$.
•$repeat -messagesearchfields(properties|statuses|types)$ -- Lists items that go in the dropdowns in the message search page. Use $value -messagesearchfield$ inside. Example: f/diag-builtinforms-body?formID=ngappbuiltin-messagequeue-search
•$repeat -question/answer/interaction(attachments)$ -- Lists the attachments of an interaction. Use inside context that has an interaction, or use -Pid to specify an interaction ID. Use $value -attachment$ inside.
•$repeat -segments(admin)$ -- Lists all segments in the tenant. Use $value -segment$ inside.
•$repeat -stockresponses(admin)$ -- Lists all stock responses in the tenant. Use $value -stockresponse$ inside. Example for all these $repeat -...(admin)$ vars: f/diag-builtinforms-body?formID=ngappbuiltin-admin-js
•$repeat -stockresponses(agent)$ -- Lists all stock responses for the agent. Use -Pid to specify agent ID.
•$repeat -stockresponses(segment)$ -- Lists all stock responses for the segment. Use -Pid to specify segment ID.
•$repeat -userchat(lines)$ -- Lists all lines in a chat. Use -Pid to specify interaction ID for agent form, -Pguid to specify chat guid for user form. Use $value -userchat(line...)$ inside.