To create a ticket or ask a question interaction, you will capture the necessary input in the form body and then use them in the following action steps:
•Find/Create Contact - this will lookup the contact, usually based on their email address. If the contact doesn't exist iService will create one.
•Create Ticket/Ask a Question - this will create the ticket of AAQ interaction based on the details specified in the action.
Form Body
<form method="POST">
Email Address: $input -email -id'email' -required$<br />
First Name: $input -contactProperty1'firstname' -id'firstname'$<br />
Last Name: $input -contactProperty3'lastname' -id'lastname'$<br />
Subject: $input -id'subject' -required$<br />
Body: $input -textarea -id'body' -required$<br />
<input type="submit" id="ok" name="ok" value="Submit Question" /><br />
<div style="background-color:yellow;">$errormessage$</div>
Action Steps
The find/create contact step must always be executed before the ticket can be created.
Actions Steps Needed To Create an AAQ Interaction