Duplicate Logins (Very Important Prerequisite)

Changes were made to the iService database to prevent duplicate logins within release 7.8. The database update process will fail when installing 7.8 if your database has any of these duplicate values (most common if you are using iService forms).  
The following query should to be run against the tenant db before upgrading to version 7.8 to avoid potential issues, especially if the tenant uses a contact creation action in any form.

select count(name) as ‘Occurrences’, name from ContactsLogins group by name having count(name) > 1
If any results are returned, this means there are contacts with conflicting email addresses. If no results are returned, there are no issues and the rest of this can be ignored.
For each row returned in the previous statement, note the email address and run:
select contactID from ContactsLogins where name = ‘email address’

This will show the contact ID’s that are conflicting. You’ll need to change the email address of one or more of the conflicting contacts so that the email address is unique per contact. One way is to simply add a #7.8upgrade hashtag at the end:
update contactslogins set name = email address#7.8upgrade' where contactid = 12345


iService Forms Within iFrames

In order to mitigate clickjacking attacks, version 7.8+ by default prevents iService HTML forms from being embedded as iframes on external sites unless explicitly allowed on a form by form basis. In order to allow a form to be embedded as an iFrame on an external site, the following value must be specified anywhere within the HTML of your form:


<!-- $header -allowframeall$ -->

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