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iService chat uses a custom iService form that displays the chat button. This form usually includes conditional logic to determine whether you have any agents available to chat with customers, and displays an appropriate message or image based on that determination. Since your iService website is separate from your corporate website, you will typically place the chat button form within an iFrame. This iFrame can be located anyplace within your page, and using various types of styling can even be located on top of other content (e.g., always in the lower right corner of the browser).

Chat Button Within Page Header

Below is an example of an iFrame embedded within the header of a website that contains the chat availability button.

Click to expand

Click to expand image

In the example above, clicking on the image will open a new browser window that contains the offline message form, or the live chat form if agents were available.

Chat Badge Anchored to Browser Window

In the example below, absolute positioning is used to keep the chat badge displayed in the bottom right of the browser. The advantage of this approach is that the code can be placed anywhere on the page, and the absolute positioning will ensure it appears properly on the page.

Click to expand image

Click to expand image


Form as Embedded iFrame Inside Page

Embedding a small contact us form on each page of a website is a great way to engage website visitors. With iService Chat, these forms can be easily converted to offer a live chat option when agents are available, and revert back to contact us forms when agents are not available.

Click to expand image

Click to expand image


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